Newbie Invoke QN's

Newbie Invoke QN's

Hi all,

New user to PMP and I am wanting to be able to launch a program from PMP as you normally would RDP or Putty.

I have followed the suggestions from forums and Pdf documentation creating windows variables through to entering the following commands to try have it launch but had no success

Tried the following still without success

- %Pronto% -ssh %ACCOUNT_NAME%@%DNS_NAME% -pw %PASSWORD%                         (%Pronto% Microsoft windows variable)

- "C:\Program Files (x86)\PRONTO\PROCLIENT\proclient.exe" -ssh %ACCOUNT_NAME%@%DNS_NAME% -pw %PASSWORD%

- proclient.exe -ssh %ACCOUNT_NAME%@%DNS_NAME% -pw %PASSWORD%

Any support would be greatly appreciated, thanks

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?