New Roadmap Released 2014!

New Roadmap Released 2014!

This once useful page isn't in use any more by the looks of it

Jai has just responded on another post I was watching and he has advised that there is a new roadmap available here so I'd thought I'd let you know.

I have searched for a few of the Request/Task ID's shown in the list, and although some of these are likely to be internal numbers I have been unable to find anything that looks like something the forum has suggested.

If there is anyone out there that sees an item they suggested on this list, or SC can help point to at least one forum post where an item has been suggested that would be useful to see how these are chosen.

Personally I don't see the item below taken from ther Roadmap being of any use to us as we have a triage team who will log calls for supportreps to pick up, and therefore they need to remain unassigned. If a customer has logged a call that requires logs to be sent the triage would ask for logs but again, the call would remain unassigned for a support rep to pick up.

8168     On Request reply:

    Request will be auto assigned to the Support rep who first respond to the unassigned request.

On Request creation:

    Request will be auto assigned to the Support Rep who created it.

Does anyone recognise this, where is the forum post, who voted for it, how did it get into the roadmap, is it a higher priority than other suggested items?

If there is no choice to turn this feature on or off it's going to be incredibly frustrating for our team and make us less efficient. It's a shame we couldn't vote or provide suggestions on the forum that could be taken into account when compiling this Roadmap, and as bonus to allow us to track them somehow would be great!



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