Hello everyone,
We are glad to let you know that we have released the latest build of ADManager Plus, 8001.
The jQuery version has been updated from 3.5.1 to 3.7.1.
ADManager Plus now uses an upgraded version of Apache Tomcat (version 9.0.98) for enhanced reliability and security.
Issues fixed:
Issue where the Unable to connect with Active Directory Server error was thrown while performing a management task from ServiceDesk Plus.
Issue where macros were not resolved in automation failure notification.
Issue in exporting reports in XLSX format when password protection was enabled.
Issue during user creation where ManagerName macro did not resolve, and the other macros were duplicated when the User'sManager macro was added to the To address field in the notification template.
Issue where the decision block in orchestration templates, used to check if a user is a member of a specific group, failed to execute.
Issue where the external e-mail addresses column did not display data in custom reports.
Other changes:
Support for the 32-bit build architecture has been discontinued from ADManager Plus build 8000. We recommend migrating to a 64-bit architecture before upgrading to version 8001.
How to update to this build?
Update using the service pack.
New to ADManager Plus?
Download the fully-functional 30-day free trial now.
Have more questions about this release? Leave a comment below or reach out to support@admanagerplus.com and we'll be happy to help you out.
The ADManager Plus team
Toll-Free: +1-312-471-2233
Email: support@admanagerplus.com