NetflowAnalyzer and Netflow V9

NetflowAnalyzer and Netflow V9

Hi team,

We try to enable netflow v9 on our CISCO 6509 where previously netflow v5 was enable.

We get then many, many, many new port interface on our cisco. The first effect was that we do not have enough license :). The second one is, if I deactived the interface, I still get new interface that seems the same.

So, I think that we made a wrong configuration of netfow v9 on our system. Have you any recommandation on the implementation of v9 ?

Anyhow, we enable again the v5 to get the initial configuration. Will the inteface desappear or do we have a way to clean it up in a certain way ?

As well we would like to get some layer2 information with Netflow v9.
What are the technical prerequisite to get that information (IOS, type of sup card, etc, etc,..)

Thanks for your help,


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