NetFlow Pluggin Installation Red Hat 6 Server Problem
today I have installed OPManager on Red Hat 6 Server. It works very well; in fact I can go to web page and I can start to monitor my network.
I have also bought NetFlow pluggin. I have installed it but it doesn't work.
I can say that OPManager has been installed opt/ManageEngine/OPMnager while NetFlow has been installed to /root/ManageEngine/NetFlow
The error is the following:
[root@VM3131-LSXSDN-1 bin]# ./
SERVER_HOME = =/root/ManageEngine/NetFlow/bin/..
OPM_HOME = =/root/ManageEngine/NetFlow/bin/../..
DB_PORT = =13306
SERVER_HOME : /root/ManageEngine/NetFlow/bin/..
DATE : Mon Dec 10 18:16:27 CET 2012
Starting Server from location: /root/ManageEngine/NetFlow
This evaluation copy is valid for 29 days
Unable to start MySQL server on port 13306, since another instance of mysql is running in this port.
Problem while Starting Server !!
System halted
[root@VM3131-LSXSDN-1 bin]#
The port 13306 has been used by OPManager. The file installed is ManageEngine_OpManager_NetFlow_Plug-In_9700_64bit.bin
I have 2 question:
1: Do I have to install the NetFlow in the same direction of OPManager (opt/ManageEngine/OPMnager and not /root/ManageEngine/NetFlow/)
2: How can I do to unistall NetFlow?
Thank You so much!
New to ADSelfService Plus?