Netflow analyser 9 pro, Received alerts dont match the traffic graphs.

Netflow analyser 9 pro, Received alerts dont match the traffic graphs.

Hi Guys

We are having a problem with our alerts on Netflow Analyser, if for example I configure an alert to tell me when a link exceeds 95% utilisation - 15 times - in 15 minutes.

I receive an alert that says the link is running at 97% so I go to the graphs to check whats happening; and i see on the link in question from the graph and metrics that the link is running at 93% utilisation and reviewing over the hour or 30mins of even the last 15mins shows the link didnt exceed 95% utilisation.

any ideas?

The alerts are kind of hard to use to support discussions when the metrics from the alert dont match the graphs and metrics from Netflow Analyser that we use to generate reports / recommendations to upgrade etc.

Have you seen anything like this before?


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