Nested IP Groups

Nested IP Groups

Is there any way to nest IP groups? We have several sites where we want to monitor traffic for several groups specific to that site. What we end up with is a very long list of IP groups. If we could nest the IP groups, or put them into a tree-like structure, we could have a much cleaner setup. Right now the setup for NYC, London & LA, with three-groups each would be:


What we'd like to see is the all the groups for a given site nested under a collapsible heading for that site.


With just this many groups it's a cleaner interface, but we have some sites with as many as 22 groups whose usage we want to monitor separately, where the change would be that much more significant. Collapsing those groups can make it much easier to find what we're looking for. Just a single level of nesting, and for display purposes only would be a significant improvement. But they could also be nested multiple levels so that Europe was a collapsible folder/group that contained London and Paris, which can also be collapsed and contain the actual Groups. If a higher level IP group (like London) were assigned to a set of users, then by adding a lower-level IP group into London you wouldn't need to modify all of the users to include the lower-level group. They would automatically get access to view that group because it's in the London group.

Is anything like this available now (using a custom group name like NYC\Group1, or similar) or already in the works for a future release?

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