Need option to change acquisition date when receiving items in PO

Need option to change acquisition date when receiving items in PO

We are trying to push the use of Assets / CMDB on SDP and we started by ensuring that all items are received from PO.

After receiving the items, the "Date" when the user invoke Receive Items action is reflected as the "Acquisition Date". Without the option to mark the "Actual Acquisition Date".

This is good if the employee took the action at the same time when the item arrived. However, in several cases, the Receive items action is done days, months or years after the item was actually received. When this happens, we have to do a clean up of the CMDB Acquisition date.

Is there a way to do either - bulk update of the Acquisition Date or set the "Actual Acquisition Date" when receiving items?
Also, for the PO#, can we move this to another field instead of the CI Name?

                New to ADSelfService Plus?