Need Assistance Adding Seed Core Device for Maps

Need Assistance Adding Seed Core Device for Maps

This is going to sound like a lame question, but I'm looking over the instructions for configuring a network topology map and I can't get past the 2nd step.
Here are the instructions:
  • From the OpManager dashboard, select Maps --> Network Maps link (mouse-over the Maps tab to see the links to all the maps).
  • In the Networks Map, select Actions --> Settings menu to your right.
  • You will find a combo-box to select the seed device. Select the core switch from the list.
  • Select the topology layout from the layout combo-box.
  • Specify the interval (in days) at which the map must be re-drawn in the Sampling Interval field and click Submit.

My problem is I cannot find Network Maps. The attachment is a screenshot.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?