Some of the monitors for MSSQL monitor the databases. For example, "Database Files Size" and "Log Files Used Percentage".
However, on many of our SQL servers, we have important databases that need to be monitored, and then other databases where we couldn't care less if we're hitting 100% log usage. In fact, some of these low-importance databases are for read-only access with their logs shrunk and never expected to grow, so a 100% log usage on a 5MB log is just fine. We don't need to monitor that database.
But that same SQL server may have a mission critical database that does need its log monitored.
Likewise, we want an alarm to go off when a mission critical database starts growing past a set threshold... but we do not need to monitor database file size on the whole.
So, is there a way to tell OpManager to "only monitor specific databases", either per monitor or per server being monitored?