Moving ServiceDesk Plus server to DMZ

Moving ServiceDesk Plus server to DMZ

Hi guys,

I would like to move the server into the DMZ in order to be able to use it from the internet, everywhere without VPN. I've read your forums and i've seen that it's possible to do so.

I have dressed a list of ports to open from DMZ to LAN in order to make ServiceceDesk work as it was in LAN, but its too much for the security of our LAN and I'm not authorized to open so many ports:

- TCP 22 SSH        (would like to avoid)
- TCP 23 Telnet      (would like to avoid)
- TCP 135  RPC  
- TCP 135 Netbios SSN  (would like to avoid)
- TCP 445 Microsoft DS (would like to avoid)
- TCP 9000
- TCP 10443
- TCP 11000

- UDP 161 SNMP
- UDP 5000-6000

Are you able to provide me the MINIMUM of ports to open in order to keep all the component (asset scan, etc.) of ManagEngine working ?

Thanks a lot,

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?