Monthly Disposals Query

Monthly Disposals Query

Hi, may I please have the query below modified for only disposed assets and where we can see a column for Disposal date. I would like to see disposals for the month, the quarter or the year please.

SELECT "resource"."ASSETTAG" AS "Asset Tag", "product"."COMPONENTNAME" AS "Product", "resource"."SERIALNO" AS "Org Serial Number", "state"."DISPLAYSTATE" AS "Asset State", "aaov"."NAME" AS "Site" FROM "Resources" "resource" LEFT JOIN "ComponentDefinition" "product" ON "resource"."COMPONENTID"="product"."COMPONENTID" LEFT JOIN "ResourceState" "state" ON "resource"."RESOURCESTATEID"="state"."RESOURCESTATEID" LEFT JOIN "ResourceLocation" "resLocation" ON "resource"."RESOURCEID"="resLocation"."RESOURCEID" LEFT JOIN "SiteDefinition" "siteDef" ON "resLocation"."SITEID"="siteDef"."SITEID" LEFT JOIN "SDOrganization" "aaov" ON "siteDef"."SITEID"="aaov"."ORG_ID"

Thank you!

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