Monitoring WebSphere 6.1.07
I try to monitore some IBM Websphere application in WAS
We work with cluster and the administrative security is enabled and "plugged" on a Microsoft Active Directory.
I installed the application perfServletApp as it said in the prerequisites and the PMI is activated. I map the security role on the admin user (ad user)
When I test the URL in the help I receive the answer in the attached file.
When I configurered the monitor, in the Systemout.log on the server it was:
[perfServletApp] [/wasPerfTool] [controller] : L'initialisation a abouti.
[17.06.08 14:41:49:933 CEST] 00000035 ServletWrappe I SRVE0242I: [perfServletApp] [/wasPerfTool] [perfservlet60] : L'initialisation a abouti.
[17.06.08 14:41:49:939 CEST] 00000035 RoleBasedAuth A SECJ0305I: Echec du contr�le d'autorisation bas�e sur le r�le pour admin-authz op�rations Discovery : getParent. L'utilisateur UNAUTHENTICATED (ID unique : unauthenticated) n'a pas re�u l'un des r�les requis suivants : adminsecuritymanager, administrator, monitor, configurator, operator, deployer.
[17.06.08 14:41:49:961 CEST] 00000035 ServiceLogger I initialize FFDC0009I: FFDC a ouvert le fichier de flux des incidents /logs/AppServer/ffdc/IntranetServer_69a069a_08.06.17_14.41.49_0.txt.
[17.06.08 14:41:49:976 CEST] 00000035 ServiceLogger I resetIncidentStream FFDC0010I: FFDC a ferm� le fichier de flux des incidents /logs/AppServer/ffdc/IntranetServer_69a069a_08.06.17_14.41.49_0.txt.
[17.06.08 14:43:17:938 CEST] 00000035 RoleBasedAuth A SECJ0305I: Echec du contr�le d'autorisation bas�e sur le r�le pour admin-authz op�rations Discovery : getParent. L'utilisateur UNAUTHENTICATED (ID unique : unauthenticated) n'a pas re�u l'un des r�les requis suivants : adminsecuritymanager, administrator, monitor, configurator, operator, deployer.
Thank you for your help
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