Monitoring VMWare guests with WMI

Monitoring VMWare guests with WMI


I'd like some help with the following issue. We're implementing Opmanager in our VMware based environment. We intend to monitor our VM's with WMI through the ESX hosts. VM's are in different VLAN's than the Opmanager host machine and not reachable with ping or ICMP. Devices are discovered through the ESX hosts or Vcenter and I can activate the monitoring. However, the snapshot page of the device says "Device Not Monitored". Type and Vendor are Unknown. If I scroll down a bit, there's a caption "VM info" which seems to be reporting some info on the machine, also CPU and Memory usage. When I click on Installed Software of Active Processes however, I get a message asking me to check if SNMP is enabled. 

I've added credentials for a Windows User with WMI permissions.

What am I missing heren?

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