monitor is currently in Unmanaged state- but alarms sometimes
We have a couple of Java Runtime monitors in an "unmanaged" state. However, every once in a while they will alarm for being down. Our fix is to enable the monitor- poll- then place back into an unmanaged state. We don't want to delete these monitors, but they are not currently in use. Is there something else I should change for a JavaRuntime monitor if I un-manage the monitor?
Here is our current process to fix after we get an alarm on a unmanaged device.
The process is a little involved to correct it:
- Move JavaRuntime unmanaged state items (monitors) to a managed state.
- Start APP services that are intentionally down.
- Wait for App Manager to recognize that the services are up so they get out of a red state.
- Move JavaRuntime managed state items from step 1 back to an unmanaged state.
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