Monitor HP Proliant Hardware (Disk, Temperature, PSU, etc)..

Monitor HP Proliant Hardware (Disk, Temperature, PSU, etc)..

I need a solution to monitor my HP Proliant hardware.. Demoing OpManager because on the product page it states the following:

Hardware Health Monitoring
Monitor the hardware health of key device parameters such as temperate, voltage, power, fan speed, status of processors, disk
arrays, etc. of VMware, HP, Dell and Cisco systems and get alerted if they violate pre-defined thresholds.

I installed OpManager and discovered on of my HP Proliant Servers.. I added both the iLO IP address and the ESXi IP Address.. I configured my iLO READ community password and added that to OpManager..

I discovered the iLO IP address and only get the following.. No useful info and it discovered it as an IBM? The documentation is no help and just says "If you
encounter any problem associating the hardware health monitors, then check for the correct SNMP credentials or contact our
support team."

Anyone help me out please?


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