Modifying or Disabling Threshold Management for Multiple Routers/Switches

Modifying or Disabling Threshold Management for Multiple Routers/Switches

Hi, I'm using OpManager 11.  We have a substantial amount of old Cisco hardware that is desperately in need of an upgrade.  The problem I'm running into is now that we've added some more access points, we're pushing so much traffic through some of the Cisco routers and switches that I'm constantly getting Threshold Violated warnings.  I can adjust the warning settings on each individual device, but it's very time intensive as each device has numerous ports and each needs to be modified.

Is there a way to increase or disable the threshold monitoring for all devices in a certain category?  These devices are all categorized as either Routers and Switches.  At this point, we have a network upgrade scheduled in the distant future, but for now we have to live with this old Cisco hardware.  I've watched several tutorial videos and have Googled the issue, but I'm not having much luck. 

Thanks for any advice!

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