Minor Modifications to Change Approvals V3 REST API Format

Minor Modifications to Change Approvals V3 REST API Format

Dear Customers,


As part of the enhancements in Approvals features in the product, we are making minor changes to the Change Approvals REST API format. This will impact the operations to be performed via API. For the same reason, JSON input formats for Change Custom Trigger and Change Custom Function scripts are also changing.


The following customer configurations are likely to be affected:

  1. Integrations consuming the Change Approvals API have to upgrade to the newer input formats

  2. Change Custom Scripts/Functions which use the Approvals support have to upgrade to the newer input formats


Details of the Change:

"Stage" field as an Object:

In all the Change Approvals APIs, the "stage" field will be represented by an object. So, expect an object to be returned with properties like "id", "name", "internal_name", "stage_index",etc. Also, for the same reason, while querying with criteria for the stage, you would have to refer to the property inside the stage. For example to query for a particular stage, you would have to use the criteria "field" as "stage.id" instead of "stage".


Changes in Approval Summary API format:

The Approval Summary API now returns a list, with each item providing enhanced details. Each field in the response is now represented as an object. For example, stage, status, commented by, etc. are all returned as objects providing more information in the API response.


Samples for the API changes:

Please refer to the attached document for a comparison of the old and new formats.



New Change Approvals API and related feature enhancements are expected to release in Sept. 2021. At that time, API input/output formats and custom script approvals formats will be upgraded. We suggest migrating integrations and automations to the new API format prior to or shortly after the upgrade.


For any questions, you may reach us via the Community Forums or, by sending us a mail at servicedeskplus-support@manageengine.com


Thank You.



Theodore R

ServiceDesk Plus 

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