Migration of AD Audit to a new server failed. Looks to be due to SQL Native Client not been recognised

Migration of AD Audit to a new server failed. Looks to be due to SQL Native Client not been recognised


I've recently tried to migrate our AD Audit Plus server from 2008 to a 2019 windows standard server. This points to a remote Windows SQL 2012 database instance. It hasn't been able to write data back to the database. As we've got a backup of the migrated server and the sql database I've tried installing a fresh AD Audit Plus on the new 2019 server. However when coming to change the DB from the postgresql instance it creates by default (and did write data to) I get an error from the ChangeDB.bat file (see attached file).

Has anyone experienced this at all it looks to be due to the native client not being recognised.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?