Please follow the steps below for migrating your Enterprise edition installations from one server to another:
Note:Do not uninstall your old installation till all the process is completed
The time / timezone should be thye same on both the old and new installations.
We do not support cross platform migration. Eg. Windows to Linux and vice versa
Central Server:1. Install the Netflow Analyzer Enterprise Edition- Central server on the new machine.
2. Once the product is installed, navigate to <NetflowCentral_Home>/mysql/ directory and delete the 'Data' folder.
3. Now, on your old installation, navigate to <NetflowCentral_Home>/mysql directory and copy the 'Data' folder and paste it to the new installation under <NetflowCentral_Home>/mysql/ directory
4. Now copy the "temp" folder present under the old <NetflowCentral_Home> directory and paste it under <NetflowCentral_Home> directory in the new installation.
5. Now start the new Central Server and ensure this installation is running fine.
6. Now you can uninstall the old installation.
Once the Central server is installed and started on the new machine, please check whether the IP Address or Hostname of the new install and the previously used https port (default 443) has been specified in all the collectors. This can be done from the Admin Operations -> Settings -> Netflow Settings from the Collector UI. Only then will the collector start sending the data to the new installation.
Collector:1. Shut down the existing collector service.
2. Backup the "
Collectorfile.txt " present under the <NetflowCollector_Home>/conf/netflow directory to a safe location.
3. Install the collector on the new server and paste the earlier backed up "
Collectorfile.txt " to the <NetflowCollector_Home>/conf/netflow directory.
4. Navigate to <NetflowCollector_Home>/bin directory from the command prompt and execute the run.bat (.sh for Linux) file. This will start the collector as an application (instead of as a service).
5. You will be prompted with a message "Do you want start as same collector:". Give 'y' and start as the same collector.
6. Once this collector is working fine, shut down the collector and start the collector service.
Please feel free to email us at if you have any queries regarding NetFlow Analyzer Enterprise edition.
Don Thomas Jacob