I had contacted support, and was given a custom APK to push to a Google Chromecast TV to enroll the device into our MDM (support said this was supported). We want to enable Kiosk mode on the device to keep the app "PiSignage" playing.
I am able to deploy the MDM APK to the device (using ADB), enroll the device, and assign the device to group which applies the policy with Kiosk mode. Every says it applied successfully, but the the device, nothing ever happens. Kiosk mode never enables the app, and the ME MDM app icon dissapears (still listed as installed, cant be opened, just uninstalled). The device appears online in Endpoint Central the whole time, and says it syncs profiles, but still nothing happens/applies.
Wanted to check if anyone else enrolled a ChromecastTV or AndroidTV device for Kiosk mode, and if so if/how you got it working.