[SD-107820] Matrix report bug on SDP 14103

[SD-107820] Matrix report bug on SDP 14103

Hello. We have noticed a bug in SDP 14103 with custom matrix report used to export latest quarter time spent by technician grouped by year/month.
SDP extract correctly the data but the visualization is wrong, SDP seems show the report grouped by year/month/day:

This is the query:
  1. SELECT rctd.FIRST_NAME AS "Time Spent Technician", ct.TIMESPENT AS "Time Spent", ct.TS_STARTTIME AS "Time Spent Starttime" FROM WorkOrder wo LEFT JOIN WorkOrderToCharge wotoc ON wo.WORKORDERID=wotoc.WORKORDERID LEFT JOIN ChargesTable ct ON wotoc.CHARGEID=ct.CHARGEID LEFT JOIN SDUser rcti ON ct.TECHNICIANID=rcti.USERID LEFT JOIN AaaUser rctd ON rcti.USERID=rctd.USER_ID WHERE  ( ( rctd.FIRST_NAME = 'REDACTED' ) AND ( ( ( ct.TS_STARTTIME >= 1664575200000 ) AND ( ( ct.TS_STARTTIME != 0 ) AND ( ct.TS_STARTTIME IS NOT NULL ) ) ) AND ( ( ct.TS_STARTTIME <= 1672527599999 ) AND ( ( ( ct.TS_STARTTIME != 0 ) AND ( ct.TS_STARTTIME IS NOT NULL ) ) AND ( ct.TS_STARTTIME != -1 ) ) ) ) )  AND wo.ISPARENT='1'  ORDER BY 3
Same report created and executed on SDP version 14006:

Query corresponding to this report:
  1. SELECT rctd.FIRST_NAME AS "Time Spent Technician", ct.TIMESPENT AS "Time Spent", longtodate(ct.TS_STARTTIME) AS "Time Spent Starttime" FROM WorkOrder wo LEFT JOIN WorkOrderToCharge wotoc ON wo.WORKORDERID=wotoc.WORKORDERID LEFT JOIN ChargesTable ct ON wotoc.CHARGEID=ct.CHARGEID LEFT JOIN SDUser rcti ON ct.TECHNICIANID=rcti.USERID LEFT JOIN AaaUser rctd ON rcti.USERID=rctd.USER_ID WHERE  ( ( rctd.FIRST_NAME = 'REDACTED' ) AND ( ( ( longtodate(ct.TS_STARTTIME) >= 1664575200000 ) AND ( ( longtodate(ct.TS_STARTTIME) != 0 ) AND ( longtodate(ct.TS_STARTTIME) IS NOT NULL ) ) ) AND ( ( longtodate(ct.TS_STARTTIME) <= 1672527599999 ) AND ( ( ( longtodate(ct.TS_STARTTIME) != 0 ) AND ( longtodate(ct.TS_STARTTIME) IS NOT NULL ) ) AND ( longtodate(ct.TS_STARTTIME) != -1 ) ) ) ) )  AND wo.ISPARENT='1'  ORDER BY 3
Without changing anything, after updating to the new SDP I notice that the 'longtodate' is removed before 'ct.TS_STARTTIME' in query visualization.
Even if I manually reconstruct the report on the new SDP version, it is shown incorrectly:

I think this is a bug but if I'm wrong please suggest me how I can solve this annoying problem.
Thanks in advance.

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