Major failure in Chrome patches this past cycle

Major failure in Chrome patches this past cycle

There is something flawed with the 3rd party patching engine. I am running build Version 10.0.604 and have almost 160 failed patch deployments this month with most being 3rd party patches for Java, Duo and Chrome. The issue for Chrome is that it is looking for the older 316362 patch MSI file so it can uninstall Chrome and install the new 317319 patch. I can't even manually patch Chrome because of this missing source MSI file. Please note in my environment we have Automatic Chrome updates disabled with Group Policy and only patch with Desktop Central. All other auto updates are disabled. Desktop Central is our go to management tool.

  1. To fix my Chrome patches I had to go to by backups for the Desktop Central server and restore patch 316362-GoogleChromeStandaloneEnterprise64.msi
  2. Create a copy file configuration to copy that google patch back to C:\Program Files (x86)\DesktopCentral_Agent\patches\
  3. Once that finished, I had to re-scheduled Chrome Patch 317319

This allowed the latest Chrome patch to install correctly. I suspect I will have to do similar steps to fix Duo and Java though I haven’t investigated that yet. Please have your engineers look into this issues. I just want your tool to be the best tool out there. However, if this continues to be an issue I will have to look at other solutions for my patching and client management.

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