Mail Fetching slow and inconsistent ServicedeskPlus

Mail Fetching slow and inconsistent ServicedeskPlus

Hi Everyone,

I seem to be having some issues with the servicedeskplus system.

I've configured the mail server with IMAPS and Google Console for the Oauth, since I couldn't configure with EWS and EWS was giving a lot of issues.So  I created a Gmail account to receive emails that are forwarded from the helpdesk outlook account and then ManageEngine will fetch emails from the Gmail account and present them as tickets.

Everything was working well but now i see that sometimes it takes too long to fetch emails or sometimes the tickets just disappear and then the next day they are back.

I've seen that the Gmail account receives the helpdesk emails and then they disappear and I always find them at a label called 'important' in Gmail. I've tried creating a filter rule to keep this from happening but it doesn't work.

Is there any solution to my issue, your support would be very much appreciated.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?