If you stop the fetching and click save you will get the below error message.
Error trace in logs: ( Present under <ServiceDeskPlusMSP>/server/default/log)
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target|
Steps to follow:
1. Download the file from the below link and extract the gencert.bat file to the ManageEngine\Servicedesk Plus MSP directory.
After extraction you should place the below files
gencert.bat under ManageEngine\Servicedesk Plus-MSP
Cert.jar should be under ManageEngine\Servicedesk Plus-MSP\lib directory.
2.Connect to the commandprompt and goto ManageEngne\Servicedesk Plus MSP and run the batch file with following format:
C:>Manageengine\Servicedesk Plus MSP>gencert.bat exchangeservername:portnumber (Please use your incoming mail server port)
3. Running the command You would receive an exception PKIX,and then it would ask to enter a value and then provide value 1 which will generate a file called jssecacerts under ManageEngine\Servicedesk Plus MSP
4. Copy the jssecacerts file under Manageengine\Servicedesk Plus MSP\jre\lib\security folder and then restart the servicedesk plus MSP service once .
5. Make sure the Mail Server Settings is configured correctly, start the fetching and check if it works fine.