We have been getting feedbacks on the new "Low Disk Space Alert!" feature from few of the users of Build 4030 of EventLog Analyzer (especially on Windows 2003 installations). The most frequent complaint is that this alert is either intrusive or erroneous.
Note: If you feel that the alert is neither intrusive nor erroneous, you can ignore it by clicking the OK button.
In order to disable this alert, follow the below steps:
1. Stop the Eventlog Analyzer server/service. 2. Check the task manager for the process 'mysqld-nt.exe' and 'SysEvtCol.exe', kill the process if any of these processes are running. 3. Edit the file "run.bat", which is located under <Eventlog Analyzer Home>\bin folder, replace the following line: set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -DminDiskSpace=5 with the below line set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -DminDiskSpace=0 4. Edit the file "wrapper.conf", which is located under <Eventlog Analyzer Home>\server\default\conf\ folder , replace the following line: wrapper.java.additional.19=-DminDiskSpace=5 with the below line: wrapper.java.additional.19=-DminDiskSpace=0 5. Save the files. 6. Start the ELA server/service