Looking for customized Project Report to show task status (ovedue, closed last week, due this week) for project where I am the owner

Looking for customized Project Report to show task status (ovedue, closed last week, due this week) for project where I am the owner

My boss is requesting I provide weekly project reports and I was looking to get a custom report for projects where I am the owner that shows overdue tasks, tasks closed the previous week and tasks due this week  I would like to see the following:
  1. Project Name
  2. Project Priority
  3. Task Name
  4. Task Owner
  5. Latest Task Comment
  6. Associated Milestone
  7. Task Schedule Start
  8. Task Actual Start
  9. Task Schedule End
  10. Task Actual End
I would like to see this sorted by project then by "task status" (i.e. ovedue, closed, due this week) and be able to adjust the sorting as needed.  We have individual reports for some of these though I would like to see once combined

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?