Looking at buying Eventlog Analyzer but need more info
We're a College and are looking for the following kinds of reports. One of our VARS sugegsted we look at your product. After looking it over not clear we can get the type of reports we're looking for. Below are some examples. I'd like to see actual demo versions of these reports rather than a general statement it's possible(been burned too many times before) to not want to have eyeballs on it.
Case 1:
group of desktops that have their own policy lets say there are 70 machines in this group
want to see a bar graph by minute that shows how many of the machines have someone logged in. Visually I would have 70 desktops on the X axis and the Y would represent time of day by minute. Height of the bar graph represents how many of the desktops have someone logged into them throughout the day
I would also like to have trend reports that showed same info by hour for weekly reports.
Case 2:
A report that shows following headings
<username> <desktop_machine_name><desktop_group><time logged on><time logged off><duration of session>
Case 3:
Graphical display of above data. Desktop computers would be arranged along the X-axis, time along Y-axis. Bars above each computer would represent distinct users and how long they were logged in throughout the day.
Thanks ahead for any help
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