longtodate errors with query editor.

longtodate errors with query editor.


You have an issue with the Query Editor.

First I created a basic report with most of the items I wanted, and then needed to tweak the report.

eg, show query -->open with query editor.

The resulting query produces various entries like:
((longtodate(rc.EXECUTEDTIME) <= datetolong('1254664799000') AND

Which produces:
java.lang.Exception: Syntax error : function LONGTODATE not closed properly!

But it should be:
((longtodate(rc.EXECUTEDTIME) <= longtodate('1254664799000')) AND

Also, once it is fixed, and the report runs properly. If you then choose "edit" to refine the query, the previous error remains. I assume it is stored in a

Please fix in the next version, as this has been driving me insane.

Rgds Ben

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