Loading archived files stays at In Progress

Loading archived files stays at In Progress

I can't for the life of me figure out how to get this thing to stop doing it.
I went to import a bunch of logs to do some reporting. All well and good, the two first I selected were imported.
The rest are stuck at "In Progress" after 2 days.
I've done the following:
- Followed the performance tuning advice
- Fixed a problem with the SysEvtCol.exe process (if you're having the same problem with it failing, it's because Windows sees it as suspicious.)
- Killed the process at various layers of granularity
- Flushed the Java cache
- Flushed the browser cache
- Rebooted the server
And it's still stuck! I have no idea why. Is it just re-launching at a certain point over and over again? Or a problem with the wrapper?

                New to ADSelfService Plus?