LDAP authentication domain

LDAP authentication domain

I am running ServiceDesk Plus - MSP - 8104 and am noticing a weird behavior when importing users via LDAP and enabling LDAP authentication.

I have enabled a LDAP server  for an account and imported the users from the account. The user accounts import fine however they get imported with a domain called "com"

The details I setup the LDAP account with are as follows

Domain Controller = ldap://
User Name = CN=Servicedesk LDAP,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=com,DC=au
Base DN = DC=company,DC=com,DC=au
Search Filter = (&(objectclass=user)(!(objectclass=Computer))(!(UserAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))(memberOf=CN=ServiceDesk_Users,CN=Users,DC=company,DC=com,DC=au))

In the attachements you can see the imported user with the domain name called "com" and also the login screen also displays "com"

Is this a bug or something wrong with my configuration. I need to setup several different LDAP servers/sources and Authentication so I need these to be easily recognizable from the dropdown box on the login screen.


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