I have been evaluating ManageEngine Netflow analyzer and Somin Scrutinizer NEtflow analyzer and found there is major gap in features.
I think manage engine cusomers need more features than what is present now like 1. Real time statistics for Top Talkers / Top protocols / Top conversation 2. Long lived data 3. Network Map which changes their sign depends on the traffic flow 4. Alert should be generated and sent with the Top Talkers in the mail body 5. i dont think Sflow may be appreciated by many customers 6. Fast web response for any query 7. MYSQL database should be migrated to MSSQL 8. Restriction should be avoided to store NBAR data
Hope you understand the growing requirement. If i compare the cost for both Netflow (Somix and yours) there is no difference, i can say ManageEngine is more costlier than other with less features.