Key word recognition to create a request

Key word recognition to create a request

I am looking to implement an event management system which will auto log requests by firing emails when an alert breaches a set of pre-defined parameters. I have set up the event management alerting and had this sent over to the email address that SD MSP monitors and this creates a request, however it does not assign it to a site as I need.

The email address that is gets sent from is generic so I can't add it to each site. The email subject however is the following:

EXC01 | EXC01 | Moorhouse | performance | Used disk space | _Total drives  are 10.0% for 0mins

Where Moorhouse is the site name.

Does anyone know if there is there the ability to pull that detail out of the subject and assign it to the site based on the site name?

                New to ADSelfService Plus?