We are currently using an application that uses C# to make web requests to the Requests API. We are now trying to use the same framework to pull data from other objects such as Admin, Notes, etc, and our json calls are not working.
Passing the same parameters and chopping them down. For example:
Call 1 -> authtoken=f564xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxba480eb&scope=sdpodapi&OPERATION_NAME=GET_REQUESTS&INPUT_DATA={operation:{Details:{FILTERBY:All_Requests,FROM:0,LIMIT:100}}}
Call 2 -> authtoken=f564xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxba480eb&scope=sdpodapi&OPERATION_NAME=GET_REQUESTS
Call 3 -> authtoken=f564xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxba480eb&scope=sdpodapi
Call 4 -> authtoken=f564xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxba480eb
Call 5 -> TECHNICIAN_KEY=f564xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxba480eb
None of these work as we are sure that we are passing something wrong or using the wrong parameters. The call doesn’t fail, but your API returns a failure. So we know the endpoint is good, but we think are missing something in the call.
If you can provide an example of how to pull back Requests using the
https://sdpondemand.manageengine.com/sdpapi/ endpoint and possibly another example showing how to GET_ALL Category I can probably figure out the rest.