jboss on HP-UX

jboss on HP-UX

I'm having problems monitoring jboss on one of my HP-UX machines. The machine has two interfaces, an internal network interface and an internet interface. When I try to add a monitor for jboss (port 8080, version 3.2.x) on the internal interface, App Manager thinks for a minute or two and comes back with an error saying "Unable to add the Interface for IP Address x.x.x.x. Kindly check whether the machine has dual interface. If it has dual interface try adding with another IP address ". The same thing happens whether I put in the internal IP address or the DNS name. When I try to add the external interface, App Manager says the service is not running.

I've searched the other forums and haven't been able to find a good solution. I did edit the seed.file to set ENABLE_SNMP_DISCOVERY=false but that didn't seem to do anything either. I've also added the jbossagent.sar to the deploy directory on my jboss server.

Any ideas?

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