jboss monitoring 'some thoughts'
we are a jboss shop and have made great strides using appman to alert and trend our application. There however some core jboss attributes i feel should come out of the box with out haveing to add a custom attribute ( is painful when haveing to add to 50+ jboss monitors ).
1. on the jbdc connection pool it would be nice if it showed the available connection count so we could alert when running out of connections in the pool. currently it shows in use and that is harder to alert on when you have many instances.
2. for the jvm, free memory would be nice so we could alert when running low on memory. same issue as with the jdbc pool, it is easier to alert on this way.
3. tomcat connectors would be nice to see maxthreads and currentthreadsbusy, I don't see a way in jmx to get threads free what is really what i want so we can alert when running low on connector threads.
Thanks for listening
- Matthew
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