Issues while applying license

Issues while applying license

Dear Customers,

If your license information is not updated even after applying a new license, Restart the EventLog Analyzer service and check.

If the product license period is expired and you are not able to apply the new license using Web Client, please follow the below steps.

Go to Windows services and stop the service "ManageEngine EventLog Analyzer", if it is running.

Go to the command prompt and go to the folder <EventLog Analyzer Home>\bin folder and type the following commands.

1.  Shutdown.bat (a full page of java errors)
2.  StopDB.bat (4-8 lines of errors)

Now, go ahead and type "run.bat" to start the application from the command prompt.  If the license is not applied yet, it would ask for the user name and path of the file.  Kindly give the user name as given in the "AdventNetLicense.xml" and the complete path of the file along with the file name.

User Name: XYZ Corp
Path:  C:\AdventNetLicense.xml ( We assume that the license is saved under C:\ drive)

Once the license is applied, the application would start from the command prompt and check the UI.

If it is fine, shutdown the server and start the application as a service. 

If you still have any issues with applying the license, and getting errors like Invalid license file, please send the license file to us and we will provide you a fix for it.

Thanks & Regards,
EventLog Analyzer
Toll Free: +1 888 720 9500
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