Issues running the linux version

Issues running the linux version


I'm trying to find our company a solution for managing our Fortigate log files. I was impressed with the software after testing it on my local workstation. However, I'm now trying to run it from one of our linux servers (Fc10) and having some troubles.

The install was successful, and I configured it to use the existing mysql package that already existed on the system. The first run went through the motions of creating all the tables and starting the service and it all looked good. Web interface ran great, too.

The problem begins if I shut down the service and start it again. I end up seeing this:

This evaluation copy is valid for 29 days
ServerContainer [FAILED]
LogAnalyzer [FAILED]
FirewallAnalyzer [FAILED]

Server Started.


If I run "" and try again then it works perfect. Then I'm right back to the error if I stop/start.

Log files reveals this:

[12:34:56:836]|[03-17-2009]|[com.adventnet.j2ee.deployment.service.internal.DeploymentManagerSupport]|[SEVERE]|[10]|: Error sending notification Exception while publishing Message, Causedby com.adventnet.cis.service.CISException: Unable to get the segmentation parameters for the crid 4|

[12:34:56:836]|[03-17-2009]|[com.adventnet.j2ee.deployment.service.internal.DeploymentManagerSupport]|[SEVERE]|[10]|: Exception while publishing Message, Causedby com.adventnet.cis.service.CISException: Unable to get the segmentation parameters for the crid 4|javax.jms.JMSException: Exception while publishing Message, Causedby com.adventnet.cis.service.CISException: Unable to get the segmentation parameters for the crid 4

I can't seem to find any info on these forums or through google regarding this error. Any ideas?

                New to ADSelfService Plus?