Issues returning all fields from Change API in Powershell

Issues returning all fields from Change API in Powershell

I’m having difficulty using the Change API in Powershell. I don’t understand why I can’t retrieve all of the values to populate in variables. I appear to be getting all of the raw information, however.


If I make a standard HTTPS GET request to /sdpapi/change/217?TECHNICIAN_KEY=***obscured***&format=json, I get the following output:


{"operation":{"name":"GET","module":"Change","result":{"status":"Success","message":"Change details fetched successfully"},"details":[{"changeid":217,"title":"Upgrade FortiADC from 4.6.2 to 4.7.3","description":"FortiADC has released a new version with several improvements and bugfixes.<div><br /><\/div><div>Release notes can be viewed online:<\/div><div><br /><\/div>","templatename":"YAM","workflowname":"SDGeneral","stagename":"Planning","statusname":"Planning In Progress","createdtime":"18 Aug 2017, 09:25:41","completedtime":"","requestedBy":"Joe Pobuda","technician":"Joe Pobuda","changemanager":"Joe Pobuda","risk":"Low","category":"Network","sitename":"IT HQ","reasonforchange":"Updates","scheduledstarttime":"17 Sep 2017, 09:23:00","changetype":"Affects Application","accountname":"YIT"}],"resources":[],"SSP_SETTINGS":{}}}


If I run this output through JSONLint, it comes back valid. Cool. However, when I try to pull this in through Powershell I’m “losing” some of the key/value pairs. Here is my code:


$SDLink = "***obscured***"



$APIKey = "***obscured***"


$inputData = @{





} | ConvertTo-Json


$URI = $SDLink+$api


$postParams = @{TECHNICIAN_KEY=$($APIKey);data=$($inputData);format=$($format)}


$results = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $URI -Body $postParams -Method GET -TimeoutSec 10 | convertfrom-json

if ($results.operation.result.status -ne "Success") {

                write-host -foregroundcolor red "An error occurred while connecting to $SDLink."



write-host -foregroundcolor yellow Validate Results

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.title[217]

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Title"

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.changeid[217] 

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Change ID"

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.requestedBy[217] 

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Requested By"

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.category[217] 

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Category"

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.risk[217] 

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Risk"

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.accountname[217] 

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Account Name"

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.reasonforchange[217] 

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Reason for change"

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.changetype[217] 

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Change type"

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.scheduledstarttime[217] 

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Scheduled Start Time"

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.description[217] 

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Description"

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.templatename[217] 

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Template Name"

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.workflowname[217] 

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Workflow Name"

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.stagename[217] 

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Stage"

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.statusname[217] 

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Status"

write-host -nonewline $results.operation.details.sitename[217] 

write-host -foregroundcolor yellow " <= Site Name`n" 


When I run this code, I get the following output:


Validate Results

Upgrade Paxton from 5.03 to 5.04 <= Title

216 <= Change ID

Joe Pobuda <= Requested By

Software <= Category

Low <= Risk

YIT <= Account Name

 <= Reason for change

 <= Change type

 <= Scheduled Start Time

A new version of Paxton Net2 has been released.<div><br /></div><div>No information other than the update files were provided by ICU.</div> <= Description

YAM <= Template Name

SDGeneral <= Workflow Name

Close <= Stage

In Progress <= Status

 <= Site Name


This does not make any sense to me, as “reasonforchange” “changetype” and “sitename” are in the json output ahead of “accountname” yet “accountname” is returned. Am I missing something silly here? I feel like this should work.

                New to ADSelfService Plus?