Issues reported in SDP 7.5 release

Issues reported in SDP 7.5 release

We are listing down the issues that have been reported in 7.5 so far and its status. We will update this document regularly to let customers know the details.

Issue fixed in 7501 [Released on 5th Dec 08 ]

* SD-13821: A message like "The request does not fall under your permitted scope" occurs when a request is moved to resolved from the resolution tab.

* SD-13820: Workstation model not listed while editing a workstation. It will be shown in list view and details page.

* SD-13822: Unable to Drag & Drop the fields in Template creation screen. Throws some javascript errors

* SD-13800: A Technician with SDAdmin permission is able to delete himself

* SD-13823: Unable to edit/add a workstation when a additional field of type number or date is added. An error like 'Error:FAILURE :One of the Workstation attribute which is mandatory is set as NULL. Hence cannot add this workstation' is thrown

* SD-13818: Unable to edit a group after moving to 7.5. Javascript error is thrown

* SD-13825: After upgrading to 7.5 all the Additional Asset date fields that are not filled defaults to 1970 while editing an asset.

* SD-13824: Unable to edit a custom priority after moving to 7.5. Nothing happens on clicking the priority in the admin section

Issues fixed in 7502 [ Released on 15th Dec 08 ]

* Unable to login to the system once i logout. I am able to login only when i open a fresh browser. This happens only when Single Sign On is enabled

* SD-13843: After migrating to 7.5, an exception will occur when clicking save in personalize screen.

* SD-13829: In the template wizard, when the "show to requester" box is un-checked, the "save and configure requester" button is available. If you check the box, the button disappears.

* SD-13828: When adding a custom field in the template wizard, saving fails if the label has a question mark in it

* SD-13845: When a single quote is part of a signature, then when replying to a request, the screen will not be loaded properly

* SD-13850: When adding fields in to a custom report the list box on the left-hand side gets narrower and narrower after each field is added. This eventually results in us not being able to choose fields from the box.

* SD-13849: Since upgrading to version 7.5 we are getting the word 'ACME' appearing at the top right-hand side of each report.

* SD-13853: When you have the Lease Expiry field on the asset list pages that field should be shown as a date, but is instead shown as a number.

* SD-13855: While creating a holiday, it saves properly and while displaying it is shown for the previous day. [ Date would have been saved correctly, but while displaying it is showing based on the timzone ]

* SD-13860: Editing a request Custom Filter, displays junk data in the criteria drop down. This will occur for customers who have the issue of "ACME displayed as company name in the right corner of reports"

* SD-13868: Whenever, users are imported through AD, the group association for a technician disappears.

* SD-13891: Merged open issues are also listed in the requests count present in the schedular tab.

* SD-13893: In flash reports, the count shows properly, but when clicked the list view shows merged requests also.

Issues fixed in 7503 [ Released on 23rd Dec 08 ]

* SD-13974 : Unable to perform AD import / AD import stops and freezes half way.
* SD-13976 : Error while saving the request form customizer and subsequently not getting saved.

Under Analysis

* When using the date picker in a change request, the system will always throw an error. Example: For the start date, pick a date one week in the future, 10:00AM.Click on the end date picker, set the time to 11:00AM (error raised because date is prior to start)

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