Is there a way to download OPManager 9? And what do I need to install on windows server 2008R2 for OpManager 11 to work?

Is there a way to download OPManager 9? And what do I need to install on windows server 2008R2 for OpManager 11 to work?

Hi there,
I had experience with OpManager 9 and I would like to download it now, is there a way to do it from your site?

And in OpManager 11 when I register new server, how can I select proper device template before I add that server?(there is no field to select device template during registration)
And when I register server that has 3 MSSQL instances(2005,2008,2012) in 'Performance counters' lots of SQL counters are added automaticly, is there a way to delete them from this device?(delete button doen't work for these automaticly added counters, like 'Active transactions'..) 
Do I need something like .NET framework or something for OpManager 11 to work on windows server 2008R2?(because delete buttons don't work and it should not be like this I think)

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?