Is it possible to change *BOTH* client and requester?

Is it possible to change *BOTH* client and requester?

For a simple example, suppose you have two users, John A Smith from Client A at site A, and John B Smith from Client B at site B.  John Smith calls you and you enter a request on his behalf, only to realize this is the *other* John Smith, from client B, after you've submitted it under John A.  What is the easiest way to deal with this?

If you try to change the requester, it only shows you lists of people at the same client, so John B Smith isn't an option.  if you try to change the site, it only accepts sites based on the current requester, so Client B/Site B aren't valid choices (It will let you pick it but will not save, fails with the error that the requester doesn't have access to that site.)

I can only think of two possible ways to manage that at all, either:
  1. Temporarily modify one account so both Johns are assigned to the same client, (edit John A Smith to be at Client B/Site B, then edit the ticket to be from Site B, then change the requester on the ticket to John B Smith, then edit John A Smith's account to be from Client A/Site A again...)  just to be allowed to pass the ticket from one to the other
  2. Create a third fake requester account just to serve as a transport (Create Mr C in site A, make him the requester, edit Mr C the same way you would have edited John A, except delete him in the last step instead of changing him back.)
Both of those are pretty kludgy, is there a 3rd way?

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