The contract management feature of SupportDesk looks quite useful, but it should always be possible to associate a contract with a support ticket.
Such association is authomatic when a contract is registered for the account and a product, provided that the requester correctly specifies the product. But in many cases, due to customer mistakes, contract registration mistakes etc - and of course every time a request is created via email - the request is not associated with a contract. As a consequence, time entries etc are also not associated.
As far as I see, there is no way to manually associate a contract with a request. Is that true or I am missing something? Could such a feature be included in the system? I see that, whenever a request is not associated, the system gives an info message and allows to see the existing account contracts; it would be easy to include an option to associate one of those to the request.
Any comment on that?
Thanks and regards
Francesco Russo