IP Management - Subnet usage reading 100 percent for all subnets

IP Management - Subnet usage reading 100 percent for all subnets

Good day,

At the moment, I'm trying to use OpManager's IP Management feature to track usage of various subnets within our organization. When I add a given subnet, it correctly identifies the number of IPs being used; however, it does not correctly identify the number of available or transient IPs. Likewise, it is currently indicating that all IPs within all subnets are currently in use.

In the attached screenshot, there are seventeen used IPs within the subnet, which is shown correctly (see bottom left). However, the dials indicate that 100 percent of the IPs are used, none are transient, and none are available. Likewise, when viewing the summary subnet screen (the one that shows the number of subnets, IP addresses, switches, et al), the used/available/transient numbers are set at 17/0/0.

Could I please know how one might go about troubleshooting this issue? Thanks for your time

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?