Invoice preparation from Servicedesk Plus MSP

Invoice preparation from Servicedesk Plus MSP

Hi All, 
I am trialing Servicedesk Plus MSP for use in our business.  As an MSP we obviously need to prepare invoices from completed requested.  I can't see any clear process for this in Servicedesk Plus MSP, so was curious how others went about this.  I have trialed setting up a custom field called "Invoiced?" in a request, which has the values Yes and No, which allows me to generate a report based on on both Request Status being Closed and Invoiced? being No, with most of the relevant data needed for the invoicing process available.  Once the invoice has been processed this value is set to Yes.  One big problem with this however is that I don't seem to be able to list a Site or Account on a Timespent report, only the Requester.  This is a problem as we have a non-technical admin person who handles our invoicing and she does not know which Requesters belong to which Sites.
Could others please shed some light on how you handle the invoicing process with this application?
Many thanks

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