inventory software functionality questions

inventory software functionality questions

I received a nice blurb about Inventory Management from ManageEngine but it doesn't have a lot of details. I am interested in a good hw and sw inventory system but this looks like an online data collection piece designed to support the helpdesk so I don't have a lot of hope, but I thought I would ask and maybe someone could help me.

Hardware inventory
Does the hw inventory support bar-coded non-networked devices? i.e. microwave ovens, digital cameras, projectors.
Does it support things that used to be networked, such as old computers sent to reclamation, checked out longterm?
Does it support networked devices that use alternate OS'es: switches, routers, iPads, chromebooks, etc.
Does it support easy batch auditing (we bring in summer hires with scanners to audit)
Does it provide any auditing tools such as locating duplicate serial numbers

Software inventory
I assume it reports how many of a specific license is installed and reports over-installs.
Does it support simultaneous licensing (30 licenses installed on 60 computers, ok as long as only 30 are used at once)
Does it support site licensing (all computers at a "site" are ok but not other sites)
Does it support multi-version and version-specific licensing (Photoshop CS2 is a different license than Photoshop CS3)
Does it have a way to track who physically keeps the license and/or disk?
Does it have a way to track what kind of license it is (email, physical paper, online registration, etc.)
Does it support license expirations (yearly renewals?)

Any help would be greatly appreciated! downloading and installing then spending days experimenting and calling the help desk to see if something doesn't exist or I just don't know how to find it, is a tedious way to learn if a software is what you want.

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