Inventory - how to track periperal devices ?

Inventory - how to track periperal devices ?

Hello everyone!


We use the Desktop Central Professional edition. We utilize it to keep track of our inventory. I noticed that peripheral devices disappear eventually when unplugged (e.g. a user has two monitors and disconnects one). Is there an option to choose which peripheral devices will stay listed indefinitely?


The reason I ask: If I issue a computer with two monitors to a user, I want to be able to keep track of the computer and both monitors. Even if the user unplugs the second monitor I want to be able to make sure when the equipment is retuned at a later point that I can see in DC what I should get back. Otherwise I may not remember that I should get back the second monitor (not every staff member gets 2 monitors).


Thank you for your help and advice!


Best regards,


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