Inventory-> Computers not showing the correct /all IP Adresses

Inventory-> Computers not showing the correct /all IP Adresses


we noticed, while analyzing problems with the patch deployment, that not all Computer Show all of their IP Adresses when working from Homeoffice.
Heres the details:
Employee 1 has the IP 10.200.200.x which he got from our VPN Software. He also has 192.168.178.x from his home router.
Employee 2 has the IP 192.168.178.x from his home router and none other IP is shown in the Inventory-> Computers tag. However, if you do look into details on that specific PC, we also do see the 10.200.200.x IP from our VPN Software. But it is not shown in the overview.

In total, we can see multiple IPs on several PC, HOWEVER, we only have one PC out of 20ish that shows his VPN Software IP. The other PC with multiple IPs are showing old IPadresses from other networks they where in.

Is there a known reason why not every PC is showing all "active" ip adresses?

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