Inventory clean up

Inventory clean up

How can we clear the inventory and have it rebuilt with the next scheduled scan?
We are having issues where inventory reports are not correct.
If I look at Software and say look at Winzip.  On the initial screen it will say we have 28 managed installations.  If I click on the 28 it takes me to the screen where it lists all of the computers that have the software.  This list will only have 5 machines, but the Managed /Network installations still says 28.

Essentially, I would rather have the machines create new inventory metrics every time they scan, instead of appending existing scans.  It seems like if we remove a machines from management, it isn't purging the counts correctly.
Attached is an example showing 5 installations reported, but only 3 computers being listed.
This isn't the only software that shows this issue. 

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