Invalid Organization Request Error

Invalid Organization Request Error

I have a user that just tried to access our helpdesk portal, she is listed in Service Desk Plus - Cloud as with a standard username/email address.     behind her email address there is a link to Re-invite user.... I clicked that link and she did receive the invite when she accept she gets an error screen that "Invalid Organization Request.  A session already exists with a differnt user, sign-out from the existing session and refresh to continue"    This user is a ZOHO Desk user and I feel that is what is causing the issue... but I am unaware of the steps needed to clear this issue.   I have close to 2 dozen or more users that currently have ZOHO Desk accounts so I am sure this issue will occur many times as we launch our Service Desk Plus-Cloud instance.

Any suggestions are welcome I have submitted a support ticket.

                  New to ADSelfService Plus?